Monday, 18 October 2010

March and Rally 23 October, Edinburgh

The countdown is on for our march and rally on Saturday in Edinburgh!  
We are meeting in East Market Street at 11am and march off is at 11.30am. The rally will then take place at the Ross Bandstand at 12:30.
So far we are getting really good support for the March and lots of organisations across Scotland have signed up to support the rally. To show the breadth and depth of support for the campaign we are planning on showing clips of our supporters speaking about the better way for Scotland. Some of those you will see are:
·        Oxfam
·        Scottish Women’s Budget Group
·        Govan Law Centre
·        Faith in the Community
·        Church Action on Poverty
·        NUS
We also have contributions from trade unions including UNISON, PCS, EIS, UCU and USDAW. The STUC equality committees for young workers, black workers, disabled workers and women have also made films.
It should be a really good day so I hope you can make it along.
Spread the word!

Helen Martin- STUC

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