Following up on the blog – ‘Unions contributing to the development of the Modern Apprenticeship Project’, there are a number of ways in which trade unions can get involved with the Modern Apprenticeship Project.
Scottish Union Learning is developing a bank of case studies of trade union engagement with the Modern Apprenticeship programme. We already have a number of positive studies where union involvement in the programme is providing constructive results. If your branch is involved with Modern Apprenticeships, we would like to hear from you.
To gauge the levels of involvement and understanding of Modern Apprenticeships, we are also undertaking an online survey of union reps. We are interested in hearing from you, even if you do not know much about Modern Apprenticeships. It is an on-going survey and the results will be published later in 2011. If you have 10 minutes to spare and would like to participate in this survey, please visit www.surveymonkey. com/s/modernapprenticeshipproject.
Young and new workers are vulnerable in the workplace, and it is therefore essential that Modern Apprentices are made aware of their rights as employees. We have developed a sub-section of the Scottish Union Learning website which provides information on the workplace rights of Modern Apprentices.
This website is a useful resource for those working with Modern Apprentices, those considering becoming a Modern Apprentice and those already on a Modern Apprenticeship. It can be accessed directly at
If you would like further information on the Modern Apprenticeship Project, contact
Tommy Breslin- Scottish Union Learning
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