Thursday, 16 October 2014

Decent Work, Dignified Lives - speeches and presentations

Yesterday's STUC conference Decent Work, Dignified Lives attended by 200 people from Scotland's trade unions, NGO's, civic organisations and Government was a great success with a number of fascinating and challenging presentations delivered through the course of the day.

Here's link to the presentations (will be updated in due course):

Plenary sessions

Grahame Smith, STUC General Secretary speech to conference

First Minister announces creation of Fair Work Convention

A New Development Model for Scotland - Karel Williams and Sukhdev Johal, Centre for Socio-Cultural Change, Manchester University

Basic Income by Frances Coppola

Scottish Labour Market in 11 charts - Stephen Boyd, STUC


Workshop 1: Inequality in Scotland - David Bell and David Eiser, Stirling University

Workshop 2: Reindustrialisation

Graeme Roy, Senior Economic Adviser, Scottish Government

Stephen Boyd, STUC

Workshop 3: Regional Economic Development - Mike Danson, Heriot-Watt University

Workshop 4: the Living Wage

Implementing the Living Wage - Rachel McEwen, Scottish and Southern Energy

Living Wage: how it is calculated and what difference it makes - Jeanette Findlay, University of Glasgow

Further Reading

The End of the Experiment: from competition to the Foundational Economy, Williams, Johal et al, 2014

The Foundational Economy: Rethinking Industrial Policy, Bowman, Froud, Johal and Williams

How to Build a Fairer City, Johal, Williams, Salento, Engelen

British Industrial Policy remains plagued by the antidote fallacy, Williams

Three posts on Basic Income, Frances Coppola

Pieria - Basic Income

Inequality in Scotland: trends, drivers and implications for the independence debate, Bell and Eiser

Constitutional Change and Inequality in Scotland, Comerford and Eiser

Reindustrialising Scotland, Scottish Government

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